Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Lost in a Comic World

Imagine a normal summer day while playing in your background with your family and friends. You decide to play soccer, so you go inside your house to search for the ball in your room. Suddenly, you see a strange shadow below the ball, you sit on your knees and you touch the shadow. Suddenly, strong pulls of a strange gell pull you inside the shadow, leaving you asleep. Three hours or more later, you wake up and see a strange, very different world of that in which you have lived many years. Your first thought is that you are in a dream, but you realize that you are awake.

The world that you are now on is similar to the world in comics. The people that you see do not look real, you are somehow trapped in a comic book. Everyone looks at you with a daring sight, and you get really scared. Suddenly, a good and nice boy touches you at your arm and asks you to come to his house. You accept, and you you go to the boy's house. The house is a two-story red house with a very big backyard, it has at least 8 windows and you seem to like it. You start liking this world, even more than human world! You now live with the boy's family, by the way his name is Timmy. Timmy and you go to a public school together, and what you learn in school is how to be a super heroe. You have already lived 2 years in this world and you start getting bored. You are very sad and you miss your family a lot. You tell Timmy to help you get out of his world, and he agrees to help you. While searching a way out, Timmy tells you that he saw a green, two-story high portal that probably will take you with your family or to another world. You enter the portal, luckily you get back home, and you figure out that only 3 minutes have passed after you left the world. This would be very strange.

If this would happen to me, I would feel very happy but strange. Going to another world is something that you would never forget, it would be an amazing experience. I would never tell someone about this because people would say that it is very stupid and unbelievable. I would try to find a way inside the comic world to thank Timmy everything he did for me. Although this will never happen, a way inside a comic world, obviously, is reading comics such as Hulk, Spiderman, and Superman.

1 comment:

Augusto V. said...

Hey daniel,
this nice post made me think of my worst holiday... HEY!! Very good writting, Keep it up