Monday, October 09, 2006

.::Awful Holidays!::.

Have you ever imagined how could your worst holiday be? I would imagine 1)
going to a scary hotel, doing nothing in my house, or going to a very boring farm while it's raining.The worst of these, would be going to a scary hotel. Not a scary hotel like in comics, but a hotel that has no food, a bad tv, and an ugly bed. I would not like a hotel without 2) breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Something that I would never like to have in a hotel is 3) an ugly, fat, and hairy room cleaner, horrible! 4)He cleans, he serves food, he does room service. Imagine that you are 5) right to a smelly gargabe, and suddenly you see your room cleaner! 6)While walking to your room, you meet a very nice girl. 7) Yes, this does not sound scary, but five minutes later the room cleaner told you she was dead a week a go! I would tell my parents inmediately to take me home or to the beach, cool! 8) Whenever I am in a very boring vacation, I tell my parents to go back home, that is what I would do in this freaky holiday. How would your worst vacation be, scary or boring, please write a comment about it.

1) Series of phrases.
2) Series of objects.
3) Series of modifiers.
4) Independent clauses.
5) Prepositional phrases.
6) Participial phrases.
7) Introductory yes, no, or interjection.
8) Adverb clause.

1 comment:

Edgardo Torres Crump said...

Very good imagination. Use of mandatory words is not an easy exercise and it was done quite nice.