Monday, September 18, 2006

=(An Interesting Story)=

Last week, in class, our teacher told us to read a story called Three Skeleton Key, and I said "oh no another boring story". We started reading the story and it was getting interesting, i even liked it. The story reminds me about a movie I saw about some people that were in the top of a house and they were surrounded by giant man-eating worms, but in the story they are surrounded by man-eating rats. I thought that giant man-eating rats was something that requiered a lot of imagination, because it is irrealistic, I would never even dream that! It reminds me about a time I was in an island and it was surrounded by dogs barking. I thought that the story was going to be scary because it talked about giant rats and the Flying Dutchman, but it was not scary, but interesting. It also reminded me about Pirates of the Caribbean part II, because there are big sailing boats like the Flying Dutchman. Another adventure the story reminded me about was when I was riding on a small sailing boat called optimist, and I almost crashed to an island. A big boat was about to crash to the Three Skeleton Key, and it didn't stop.

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